This is my Media Coursework Blog! All are welcome to visit! :)
Chloe: it was good as the camerawork made it look real.
Sam: it set up the storyline well and had good props and colours.
Sophie: yes it was really scary
2/ any negative points about the film?
C: didn't see many negative points other than the random shot of people I didn't know :P
C: there were a few bits that could have done with being shorter - like the shot of the leaves.
S: I didn't really like the ending, the scream was a bit short.
S: the part with the leaves was too long. other than that is was really good!
3/ did it make you want to watch the rest of the film?
C: yes it really drew me in with the plot.
C: yes it was good.
S: the plot was good, I suppose I would want to watch the rest.
S: yes, it was good :)
4/ did you understand the relevance of the balloon?
C: yes, i think it was the little girl's life? because she held it all the way until she went into the log and was killed and then it floated up to heaven.
C: yes, the red was supposed to be the blood from when the killer killed her.
S: yes it was the murder of the little girl.
S: yes, it was supposed to be scary. it was a pretty colour against the sky (:
5/ what genre do you think the film was?
C: a horror/thriller :)
C: horror
S: scary/horror
S: horror/thriller genre
6/ Any specific good points?
C: the music used was really effective, it fitted well with what you could see.
C: the balloon, it was a clever prop. also the sound of the balloon squeaking as the girl went into the log.
S: the sound of the wind worked really well with the music
S: the colours were really good (: really bright. also the camerawork when she was running was all jaunty as it moved feeling like she was being chased.
7/ what did you think of the title? does it sum up the film well?
C: it is good because it is mysterious and it makes you want to find out who/what is "Uninvited"
C: I thought it was clever and looked good next to the balloon in the sky.
S: I liked it. It's effective because it is simple.
S: it's good because it reminds you of parties and links with the plot.
8/ what did you think of the music?
C: it was really scary and created atmosphere. it also made the balloon and the party feel more sinister.
C: I thought it fit well with the beginning where it seemed all nice and then suddenly became more scary.
S: it was good as it was different, and really fit with the wind as she was running, the pace got quicker.
S: it was really good! very scary and appropriate for the genre.
9/ did you notice any issues with the continuity or filming?
C: nope
C: not really. more to do with random shots.
S: no
S: no
10/ did you sympathise with the little girl by the end of the opening?
C: yes, it made you scared for her when she went inside the log
C: yes but I didn't understand really why she went in the log anyway
S: yes I felt sorry for her
S: yes! she was really cute