Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Group Ideas 2

Unfortunately we didn't get to do any filming in the lesson and instead were given a task, to write a questionnaire, and to draw up a draft storyboard for our scene to show the different camera angles and make it easier for us to film our scene.
The questionnaire we wrote addresses the different aspects of horror and what people would like to see in our film.
- what is your favourite horror film?
- what makes it a good film?
- do you like to see explicit violence or do you like the scary elements of the film to be subtle?
- do you prefer conventional horror films?
- what is the scariest part of a horror film? - e.g. the darkness / lighting, the killer, the music, claustrophobia?
- do you like to know the identity of the villian/killer from the beginning or do you like to be kept unaware?

Next our group had decided to come up with some quick ideas for our storyboard.
Our first idea was having the child be lured away by a voice from a picnic/birthday party to a forest.
We also thought of our budget and how we would be able to create a party as we don't have a particularly big amount of money to spend and finding that amount of people for a film would be quite hard, so we had decided on finding props found at a party using mise-en-scene and placing them in such a way that it gives the illusion that a party is going on.
Then we have a jump to a later time when the real stars come in which are the teenagers and incorporate them into the story.
For the actors we have each chosen 1 or 2 people to be in the film so that it can be more controlled.
The completion of the storyboard will hopefully be done next lesson. :)

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