Who would be the audience for your media project?
Our film is made for horror fans such as the one shown below. This audience would like to watch films that are quite violent and they would wear mostly black clothes or leather if they are goths. They would listen to mostly rock or heavy metal music and they would watch television shows such as C.I.S. They would watch our film because it is a horror and has some horror conventions but also has a sense of realism to the film.

I imagine our typical target audience members to look like the above character.
Aged from about 16-25, I think that their lifestyle and hobbies/interests would be as follows:
Favourite music: Indie/Alernative/Live style music genre. - The Killers + Kings of Leon etc
Favourite programmes: Skins, The Big Bang Theory, C.I.S etc.
Favourite shops: FOPP, Motel, BS8, Urban Outfitters, Primark
Favourite food: Sushi and take-aways, McDonalds etc.
Favourite hobbies and interests: Art and Music, gigs, clubbing etc.
I think these are stereotypical tastes of our target audience. I believe they would be lively and edgy teenagers interested in music that is new and quite cutting edge as well as programmes similar to that that are quite popular for being they go to not only reflect their style but also show the class of our target audience, maybe middle class or top lower class, who would be able to afford these such shops - mainly on Park St known for being quite a high end market range - but also not exactly designer brand stores. I also picked FOPP as this is an edgier music store than the high streets HMV. I think they would be interested in Art and Music as I imagine them to be creative, and quite alternative in their tastes of hobbies and interests.
As mentioned previously above, we set out on primary and secondary research when choosing our target market. We used the internet to research our audience and found that it said the main consumers of the horror genre are teenagers who enjoy generic and atypical conventions such as gore etc. A stereotypical person who enjoys horror film is a teenage male in around the same age range we have aimed our film at. However, our film is considered just a sub-genre of a horror film and could be appealing to other groups outside of our target market. We then used our questionnaire to further our research into the conventions and aspects that our target audience would find most appealing in a horror film.
We questionned our target audience on the film and here is a link to the interview/video response with them on their thoughts about our work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3PG3fdEsp4
I also made a written questionnaire for my target audience and asked three people what they thought of the film.
1/ what did you think of the film? was it realistic?
Cat: it was really good and made me want to watch more. The props + costume made it really realistic (:
Chloe: it was good as the camerawork made it look real.
Sam: it set up the storyline well and had good props and colours.
Sophie: yes it was really scary
2/ any negative points about the film?
C: didn't see many negative points other than the random shot of people I didn't know :P
C: there were a few bits that could have done with being shorter - like the shot of the leaves.
S: I didn't really like the ending, the scream was a bit short.
S: the part with the leaves was too long. other than that is was really good!
3/ did it make you want to watch the rest of the film?
C: yes it really drew me in with the plot.
C: yes it was good.
S: the plot was good, I suppose I would want to watch the rest.
S: yes, it was good :)
4/ did you understand the relevance of the balloon?
C: yes, i think it was the little girl's life? because she held it all the way until she went into the log and was killed and then it floated up to heaven.
C: yes, the red was supposed to be the blood from when the killer killed her.
S: yes it was the murder of the little girl.
S: yes, it was supposed to be scary. it was a pretty colour against the sky (:
5/ what genre do you think the film was?
C: a horror/thriller :)
C: horror
S: scary/horror
S: horror/thriller genre
6/ Any specific good points?
C: the music used was really effective, it fitted well with what you could see.
C: the balloon, it was a clever prop. also the sound of the balloon squeaking as the girl went into the log.
S: the sound of the wind worked really well with the music
S: the colours were really good (: really bright. also the camerawork when she was running was all jaunty as it moved feeling like she was being chased.
7/ what did you think of the title? does it sum up the film well?
C: it is good because it is mysterious and it makes you want to find out who/what is "Uninvited"
C: I thought it was clever and looked good next to the balloon in the sky.
S: I liked it. It's effective because it is simple.
S: it's good because it reminds you of parties and links with the plot.
8/ what did you think of the music?
C: it was really scary and created atmosphere. it also made the balloon and the party feel more sinister.
C: I thought it fit well with the beginning where it seemed all nice and then suddenly became more scary.
S: it was good as it was different, and really fit with the wind as she was running, the pace got quicker.
S: it was really good! very scary and appropriate for the genre.
9/ did you notice any issues with the continuity or filming?
C: nope
C: not really. more to do with random shots.
S: no
S: no
10/ did you sympathise with the little girl by the end of the opening?
C: yes, it made you scared for her when she went inside the log
C: yes but I didn't understand really why she went in the log anyway
S: yes I felt sorry for her
S: yes! she was really cute
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